(v. 1)

Created by Thomas Gale 2002

last edit 03.15.2002


NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 (advanced rules allow for multiplayer)


  • FIELD - [1] The game board. A large grid such as a GO board is typical (18x18 squares).
  • WARRIORS - [~100] round counters with a different color for each player. GO or Pente pieces work well..
  • WALL SECTIONS - [~50] or so Square, flat, wooden tiles that fit inside the grid squares. The blank side of Scrabble tiles work well.
  • CITADELS - [~9] Flat markers that a warrior can rest atop. Scrabble tiles, or quarters work well.


Each player is in a power struggle to control the most citadels. You fortify your citadels with walls, and guide your warriors in the field of battle to storm other citadels.


Control the majority of CITADELS by a difference of 2 at the beginning of your turn. (e.g. 5-3, 3-1, etc.)


CHOOSE FIELD SIZE - The size of the FIELD can be customized to affect length of play ( larger grid for longer game). A Go Board is standard.

CHOOSE CITADEL COUNT - The number of CITADELS can be customized tio affect length of play. (more citadels for a longer game). 9 Citadels is standard.

SELECT COLORS - Players claim a color and keep their pool of WARRIORS nearby. Flip a coin for first play.

PLACING CITADLES - Players take alternate turns placing the citadels on the FIELD until all 9 have been placed.

  • Citadels may only be placed on the field at an intersection of grid lines.
  • Citadels may not be placed on the field permieter or on an intersection point adjacent to the perimeter.
  • There must always be a gap of at least 2 intesection points between citadels.

CLAIMING CITADELS - Once all citadels are placed, the player that placed the fewest Citadels is the first to claim a Citadel. Players alternate claiming Citadels by placing a Warrior (of his color) atop any unclaimed citadel. The claiming alternates until 6 Citadels are claimed. The last three are left unclaimed. There will likely be a race to claim these empty Citadels once play starts.

CITADEL CONTROL - Citadels must be occupied by a warrior of your color in order to retain ownership. If, during play, a Citadel is ever abandoned (the warrior moves to an adjacent intersection) it loses ownership and control of Citadel. An empty Citadel belongs to neither player and does not count towards victory goals.


SEQUENCE OF PLAY - After setup both players should now have claimed 3 (of 9 total) citadels, while 3 remain unclaimed. Whoever claimed the last citadel during setup takes the first turn. Players alternate turns until victory conditions are met, or someone forfeits.

DETERMINE NUMBER OF ACTIONS - During a player's turn he may perform a number of actions. The number of actions allowed is euqal to the number of citadels in that player's control (at the beginning of their turn).

PERFORM ACTIONS - Possible actions include: building walls, destroying walls, recruiting warriors, and moving warriors. Actions may be performed in any order during a turn.

BUILD WALL ( COST = 1 ACTION PER WALL SECTION) - A warrior may build a wall section by placing a tile down on the field in an unblocked square. A field square may be blocked by another warrior, an existing wall, or a citadel. A wall may only be built adjacent to one of your warriors (inclduing warriors occupying citadels).

DESTROY WALL (COST = 1 ACTION PER WALL SECTION) - A warrior may destroy an adjacent wall section depending on a strength comparison. See resolving conflict below. Walls do not have ownership.

RECRUIT WARRIOR (COST = 2 ACTIONS PER NEW WARRIOR) - A newly recruited warrior may only be placed adjacent to a citadel in your control. If there are no spaces available, the recruitment is not allowed. You may dismiss (remove from the field) any of your warriors at any time during your turn.

MOVE WARRIOR (COST = 1 ACTION PER SPACE MOVED) - You may only move your warriors. A warrior may only move along the lines and rest at interesections (as in GO). Jumping, pushing, or diagonal movements are not allowed. Walls block movement. As walls exist within grid square, while warriors exist on grid lines, any wall section may not partially overlap with a warrior or Citadel. A warrior may occupy an empty citadel as a movement action.

RESLOVING CONFLICT - Any time during a player's turn the active player may choose to resolve a conflict situation. Resloving conflicts do not cost actions (except destroying walls). This may create a chain reaction of events, as there is no limit to conflict resolutions. However the attacker may choose not to resolve any conflict. Attacks take place consecutively not simultaneously, meaning each target attack is resolved one at a time. Allied warriors may attack asingle target alone or in groups.

STRENGTH COMPARISON - To resolve conflict, Strengths of the attacking force are compared to the defensive target's force:

  • If the forces are equal, then the target is lost (removed from the field), but the attacker must choose one participating offensive warrior to be sacrificed (removed from the field).
  • If the attacking forces are greater, then the target is lost. The attacking force loses nothing. An offensive warrior may occupy the defeated target's position only if the attacker has remaining unspent actions.
  • If the defensive forces are greater, then the target may not be killed (unless besieged, see below).

TARGETTING WALLS - A section of wall's total defensive strength equals the number of immediately adjacent wall sections plus its base strength. Each wall section has a base strnegth of 1. For example, a wall section with 2 adjacent wall sections would have a defensive strength of 3. The attacking group's total offensive strength equals the number of allied warriors immediately adjacent to the enemy target. If three warriors are adjacent to a wall section, their strength is 3.

TARGETTING CITADELS - Citadels may never be destroyed, but the warior within the citadel may be killed. Combat against a warrior within a citadel use the same rules as warrior combat, except that a warrior gains an offensive or defensive strength bonus of 1.

TARGETTING WARRIORS - A target warrior;s total defensive strength equals the number of immediately adjacent warriors plus it's base strength. Each warrior has a base strength of 1. The attacking groups total offensive strength equals the number of allied warriors adjacent to the enemy target.

BESIEGED - If any force is completely surrounded by an unbroken ring of enemy units, then that force is besieged. During the attacking player's turn the attacker may choose to freely kill up to 2 besieged enemy warriors (attacker's choice) any time during his turn assuming the ring remains unbroken. An besieged enemy citadel may not recruit new warriors, nor build new walls within the enemy's ring, but it may still contribute towards victory goals and still provides an action point.











